Let your creativity run wild!
Learn Jazz guitar with Peter Autschbach
...push your boundaries to be able to come up with your own musical ideas.
Learn Jazz guitar with Peter Autschbach
...push your boundaries to be able to come up with your own musical ideas.
I play each piece for you in the video and give you very detailed explanations. It's not just about what notes are played, but above all why they work. Instead of explaining the concept behind improvisation just theoretically, there are lots of practical examples. I never liked scale noodling. The program is about passing on to you the very solutions for all the things that were difficult for me when I started to try Jazz guitar. The many great musical projects I was able to play in helped me to develop as a jazz player. Meeting Joe Pass gave me incredible insights and shaped my playing style and my understanding of jazz. And today, for example, in a duo with Joscho Stephan, I keep discovering new and fresh ways of improvisation. I invite you to explore the wonderful world of Jazz and improvisation with me.
Jazz is improvisation and improvisation means musical freedom. It is the greatest thing to be able to spontaneously invent a melody that did not exist a moment before.
When teaching, I can do what I love to do: teaching is my passion. I have been teaching for more than and giving workshops all over the world for . In addition, being the author of 20 teaching books for guitar has given me a lot of didactic knowledge. Through this work, I was able to find out what to practice in order to achieve progress. So, as a result of working with this program, you don't have to clear away all the obstacles that usually appear to stand in the way.
Jazz doesn't have to be complicated! Jazz is the most creative music because, ideally, it is created in the moment. Anyone who makes progress in improvising will also improve as a composer. Because improvisation means composition sped up. And: everything you learn here can be transferred to any other style of music where improvisation matters, so you will benefit greatly from it.
The topics presented here are marked in order of difficulty. You can and should definitely do exercises that may seem too easy or too difficult for you. Because in the easy lessons you will be confronted with the important basics again and again. And without striving for higher goals – this includes trying to work on things that seem to be too difficult at the moment – your progress might be slowed down. If you find that you are overtaxing yourself, change the topic and try again later. Find your own balance and have fun doing it.
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